Knowing your blood type could save your life! I don’t mean to sound too dramatic but it is true. Having the information is important because it will prevent the risk of you getting given blood that is dangerous and incompatible with your body, like with a blood transfusion or even surgery.
Mixing to different types of blood can cause blood cells to bond together, possibly killing you. This makes home blood tests a very important advancement in technology. Absolutely everyone should know their blood type.
Yet if the results of these tests are not correct, what then? This can be very dangerous.
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Are home blood type tests accurate?
The simple answer is yes! These tests have been specially manufactured to be 99.9% accurate. The caveat to this is that you absolutely must follow the instructions exactly to get the right results. All of the errors in the readings from these home testing kits is because of misuse or not following the proper instructions.
It can be natural to question such home tests, I should know, I did it myself. After all, there is always someone trying to make a luck buck off of so-called miracle tests and magic cures.
The home blood types test kits, however, use the same technology that would be utilized in a lab to ascertain your blood type. The issues arise when the home test is carried out without proper due care. Ideally, a scientific and biological test should be carried out in a sterile environment so that no contamination occurs. Of course, this is not always possible in a home environment.
Also, the very nature of us human beings means that sometimes we get things wrong, and do not follow the instructions to the letter, causing results to be skewed. Outside of these two issues, the only other reason the test would not be accurate is if you had an extremely rare blood type such as Rh null, as lab testing would be needed to discover this.
What does blood type actually mean?

You would be surprised at how many people do not know their blood type, even with the knowledge of how important it is to know. A large percentage of us do not know what our blood type reports either, or how testing works. Let me explain a brief background of blood types.
Your blood type is measured using two groups. The first is used to represent the presence of antigens in your blood. This is shown by the letters A B and O. The blood group antigens are carbohydrates that are attached to other proteins or lipids. An antigen is a foreign substance that will cause an immune response within the body.
- Type A blood has A antigens.
- Type B blood has B antigen.
- Type AB blood has the A antigen and the B antigen together.
- Type O has neither A antigen nor the B antigen.
After the ABO blood type has been established, the next determining factor for blood types is RH factor, otherwise known as its Rhesus factor. If you are RH-positive, then you have Rhesus antigen on the surface of your red blood cells. If you are Rh-negative, then you do not have Rh antigens on the surface of your blood.
These two groups combined tell a doctor enough information so that they can administer blood safely and effectively. The most common blood types using these groups are;
- A+ or A-
- B+ or B-
- AB+ or AB-
- O+ or O-
Blood tests used to be solely available at a medical facility, but in recent years, medical advances have made it possible to get your blood tested at home in mere minutes.
What is the most common and least common blood type?
The most common blood type in the world is group O, followed by group A, then B then AB is by far the rarest. Ab is special because people with type AB blood can only receive type AB blood.
Yet conversely, type AB blood can be given to everyone in all the other blood groups. This makes it simultaneously the rarest and most precious of the blood types.
If you use a home testing kit and discover you are of the AB blood type, consider donating a little, it could save a life.
Blood types are interesting because the percentages of people with each blood type change depending on things such as race, gender, and nationality.
What is the healthiest blood type?

Surprisingly, depending on your blood type, you potentially have different levels of risk of diseases. Recent studies suggest that type O blood is the lowest risk of heart disease, while AB and B types are at the highest risk.
Risk also varies across other diseases such as cancer and extreme stress. Knowing your blood type is a great way to help manage and understand your health and the actions early to prevent long-lasting damages to your body.
Why do we have different blood types?
This is just an interesting piece of trivia, but the most ancient type of blood is A. It has been around for millions of years, even before the human race evolved from their hominid ancestors.
The different blood types probably came from mutation as a way to fight infectious diseases. The fact that some blood types are incompatible with others is probably an accident.
How do I perform a home blood type?
First, clean the area where you’re going to draw the blood from (usually your fingertip). Most kits come with their own cotton bud and alcohol kit, so use that. It is important to wash your hands really well beforehand.
The most important part of the blood test kit is the lancet, a small plastic device that you will use to make the puncture. It is a small puncture that does not hurt more than a pinch, and it is quite quick.
After puncturing, swiftly place the drop of blood on the card. Follow the instructions of the specific test and assess the results. Even though this is a very easy process, speed is key – as soon as you draw the blood, place it on the designated card for it.
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