In the not too distant past, the periodic table was simply a few scribbles of element symbols on the reverse of an invitation to a cheese factory. This was done by the legendary Russian chemist and inventor Dmitri Mendeleev. He was the first to formulate periodic law and the creator of the first periodic table […]
Best Calculator for Chemistry in 2023
Chemistry is an amazingly complex subject that many people love or hate. If you do love it, or even if you just need to use it on a daily basis, you need a scientific calculator. Even teachers recognize that some calculations are just too intricate to do them by hand every time. The best calculator […]
Do You Need a Scientific Calculator for Chemistry?
I have always loved chemistry because it challenges me to think outside the box. I have always responded well to challenges, it is in my very nature. In my high school days, my favorite teachers were always chemistry teachers. Maybe that was just a coincidence, or maybe we shared a lot of common personality traits, […]
How to Use a Scientific Calculator for Chemistry?
There is most definitely a learning curve when it comes to scientific calculators. Especially when compared to regular ones that only carry out four different equations total. Some scientific calculators can carry out over 300 functions! I was a lucky one because I had a lot of help and support from my science teachers during […]
Best Organic Chemistry Model Kit in 2023
To understand how to choose the best organic chemistry model kit, we have to grasp the concept itself. Organic chemistry is the study of compounds that contain carbon, their structure, properties and how they react to different stimuli. It is not just about natural compounds, but also man-made ones, designed by humans. There are various […]
Best Chemistry Set in 2023
Learning through hands-on activities is one of the best ways for children to understand new ideas and concepts. In our view, home chemistry sets are great for encouraging children to engage in what might seem difficult subjects. Chemistry sets were all the rage a few generations ago, especially in the ’60s and ’70s. Ask anyone […]