A pocket microscope is designed to magnify objects and fit comfortably in your pocket. It can be used to examine the fine print or take a closer look at the micro life living on your skin. Depending on the magnifying strength or your lens, an object the size of a pen can be the key […]
How To Clean a Pocket Microscope
When dirt or dust gets trapped on your microscope lens or camera sensor, the object you are examining will be obscured. To avoid any confusing additions to your magnified image, it is essential that you regularly clean your microscope. When performing microscope maintenance, there are certain areas and cleaning utensils that should be avoided. It […]
Do You Need a Scientific Calculator for Chemistry?
I have always loved chemistry because it challenges me to think outside the box. I have always responded well to challenges, it is in my very nature. In my high school days, my favorite teachers were always chemistry teachers. Maybe that was just a coincidence, or maybe we shared a lot of common personality traits, […]
How to Use a Scientific Calculator for Chemistry?
There is most definitely a learning curve when it comes to scientific calculators. Especially when compared to regular ones that only carry out four different equations total. Some scientific calculators can carry out over 300 functions! I was a lucky one because I had a lot of help and support from my science teachers during […]
How Do You Use the Organic Chemistry Model Kit?
I can safely say that organic chemistry was not my favorite subject when I was in school. Even though I like to think of myself as having a scientific mind, I struggled with abstract atoms and trying to memorize their names and structures. One of my regrets now, when I look back, is that I […]
What Kind of Experiments Are in Chemistry Sets?
If you are anything like me, you have fond memories from your childhood of whiling away the hours playing around with chemistry sets. I just couldn’t get enough of them. In my eyes, they were a magical box of tricks that provided me with endless possibilities. Contrary to the belief of some people, chemistry sets […]